Well, since I'm noticing some of my creations have a good reception, I'm gonna make more... Im improving my techniques and ideas, so my material will grow better and better... I hope my next mix have the same success as "King of All Koopas"... Thanks to everyone who had give your 5's and good comments!
Just listened through everything you uploaded. These are beyond doubt absolute masterpieces, I really dig the style you're handling these remixes! I'm curious for the new Rainbow Road remix too, don't leave that bad boy waiting for too long. :D
Hey my friend, thank you so much for your words and support... I'm right now working in a Kirby mix, and as soon as I finish it I will dedicate this whole week to the Rainbow Road mega mix... I hope everything's go right and get the piece I'm thinking on.
Again, thank you so much for everything. I hope we keep in touch!
Sincerely, Miguel Volkov